Thursday, March 01, 2007

Anywhere but here

Am I destined to be some where? A certain place that I have been wanting to be since as long as I can remember.I only get a little taste of it.But I'm supposed to be there.That's where I should be.I have been dreaming about it a lot recently.Even with all its deforms I still love it.Lebnan jenneh 3ala arid.Hayk bi oulo.

Anywhere is better than here.Fake mechanical push the button robot kind of life that has no meaning.The kind of life where you go to a neighborhood and you get lost.Because all of the houses look exactly the same.The kind of life where it feels like you are eating bland mush or plastic rubber.The kind of life where you cant go outside for a little walk because it isn't safe.The kind of life where there isn't anything interesting or beneficial on television.The kind of life where you get singled out because of your ethnic group or religion.The kind of life where the constitution applies to only a selected few.The kind of life where animals are treated better than actual people.The kind of life where its ok for men to exploit women.The kind of life where there is no where to go and nothing to do except work.

The kind of life that is meaningless and pointless.What kind of life is this? Am I living the American dream?

The problem is everybody wants to be westernized instead of modernized.Nobody can stop the world from changing.I hope that there will still be a little special place on this earth for me that I can call home before it turns disfigured.Wait... hold on one small split second.A place that I can call home? What am I thinking? Home isnt here.Did I forget the eternal bliss of paradise? Isnt life supposed to be just a small test.I always knew that there was something better than this.There is more to life than just this.


Dareen said...

We all think that grass is greener on the other side. My fear is, what if we go to where we think is a better place to find that, that place has other kinds of issues we can not handle or live with? :S

Its different when someone goes for a visit to their home land or any arab country. We tend to fall in love with it and feel its heaven. But, going for a visit is totally different than actually living there day in and day out!!

just a thought....I am sick of NorthAmerica myself :( Been here way too long! Its worth it for me at this point in time to leave it and take the risk. :)

Good luck!!

Scent of the Levant said...

There isnt any place to go anymore.

I cant stand here and sometimes I cant stand it over there either.Mafi may, mafi kahraba, mafi shighil.Bas fi 7ayat.

And here fi may, fi kahraba, ou fi shighil bas mafi 7ayat.