Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lebanese Advertisement

Lebanese advertisement is really intriguing.It really makes you want to eat foul.Im not a very big fan of beans but when it comes to foul and hummous I can make some exceptions.


AM said...

I like it!

Mounir said...

I love foul, I tried it in Beirut once and it was delicious, if u went to Damascus once there is a place called "Bouz El Jedi" it is very traditional place but also their foul is out of this earth...yammy yammy stuff

Dareen said...

I love the way lebanese people make foul. Its not the same when my family makes it at home!

Bedouina said...

Sitting here in California, I am amused that the brand of ful is called "California Gardens." What, it tastes better if you name it after California? Here in Cali, I would rather eat ful labeled "Bekaa's Finest" or "Lebanon Gardens".

We do grow ful in California. MOstly organic gardeners grow it to enrich their soil however. If you want free ful akhdar, come to Berkeley in the springtime. All the public gardens are full of ful.

Bedouina said...

Bekaa's finest - well I guess that could seem like a joke to some people. I meant it in all innocence to refer to ful.

Scent of the Levant said...

am, thanks!

mone, I'll try foul anywhere as long as it tastes good and has plenty of garlic.I actually went to a foul place in Homs.The foul was good but the chairs were a little sticky! lol

The speical place to get foul in Lebanon is 3amto Samia's house.

Dareen, I aggree with you.But as long as it has garlic in it I will eat it! ;)

Bedounia, maybe they should change the name, thats a good idea.But California and Michigain are highly populated with many Lebanese so its not so bad. That would be silly if they named it Texas foul or Washigtion garden.
That wouldn't sound so good to me!

I think Bekaa's finest is a name of a wine or something.

Maybe they should have name it
Em Abed's foul. hehhee