Friday, March 02, 2007

hayda libnan

The Phoenicians, the ancient Lebanese, were the first to develop an alphabetic script in 1100 B.C. They did so to facilitate their prosperous trade further.

The Phoenicians sailors were the first to explore the coasts of West Africa and Britain in 1000 B.C.

Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East that does not have a desert

On January 22, 1976, a guerrilla force blasted into the vaults of the British Bank of the Middle East in Bab Idriss, cleaning out the contents of the safe deposit. The boxes of cash and other valuables were estimated by former finance minister Lucien Dahdah at $50 million. It was the single most lucrative bank robbery in history, occurring during the worst civil unrest period ever in Beirut, Lebanon.

Lebanese society is one of mutual imitation.

In Lebanon, everybody is observing you and you are observing everybody else.

In Lebanon, people don't go out to have a good time - they go out to show the community that they're having a good time.

In Lebanon, people don't buy goods because they like them, but because they think other people like them.

In Lebanon, fashion and collective hysteria coincide.

A Lebanese will go into debt to buy something he doesn't need in order to impress people he doesn't like.

Some historical Lebanese civil wars: The I-have-a-more-expensive-cellular-than-you wars, The I-have-more-Sri-Lanki-maids-than-you wars, The I-have-a-new-Mercedes wars, The My-Leather-Jacket-is-better-than-yours wars.

The Lebanese Constitution:

A politician will always pass power to his eldest son.

A politician will always give his family and his followers government jobs.

Because of an outside conspiracy Lebanon has the highest rate of useless public servants in this part of the universe.

A politician has a duty to enter into conflicts of interest.

A Lebanese will always vote for a candidate from his village even if he knows that he is a corrupt idiot.

A Lebanese politician will always promise to fight corruption.


Every single thing wrong in Lebanon is caused by an outside conspiracy.

A Lebanese is not responsible for the massacres during the civil war even when he was the one doing the shooting.

Members of Lebanese society will condemn confessionalism as practiced by other confessions, while cheerfully practicing it with other confessions.

Lebanese Superiority:

The Lebanese have an inborn knowledge of every single subject in the universe, including medicine and philosophy.

Every single Lebanese is a board-certified doctor.

Any Lebanese will prescribe you antibiotics, anti-depressants and sleeping pills if you ask them nicely.

Because of an outside conspiracy Lebanon has one of the highest rates of medicinal drug addiction in the world.

A Lebanese becomes a philosopher after he reads "The Prophet" by K. Gibran.

1 comment:

Samer said...

Finally, someone who sees the flaws and talks about them. Priceless :)