Sunday, September 09, 2007


I have finally arrived from my month long vacation.I promised to keep everyone updated but to my dismay I had a few minor complications at some of the local Internet cafes.The ongoing outage of electricity was one major factor.Well over all I enjoyed my stay.To tell you the truth I just needed to get out of the house.Change can sometimes save lives.I didn't get a chance too take very many pictures because I kept running out of batteries.

p.s. I didnt adjust the settings on the camera so disregard the dates.


transient said...

nice to have you back.
You do seem to visit a lot.
but at least you brought us back some pics.

Scent of the Levant said...

thanks transient ;)

yeah, Im so used to visiting almost every year, and I always seem to have trouble bringing back a decent amount of pictures.