Friday, November 30, 2007

Math has always been one of my many weaknesses.I seem to have this blackout whenever I think of math. But I had one teacher that made me look at math from a different perspective;it didn't last that long though.Hopefully with my new tutor I will be able to succeed and do much better.The worst thing would for my GPA to drastically drop just for one subject which would be math.

Someone once told me this joke about math, I don't remember it quite well.It was that the math department in some universities are next to the psychology department; i.e. psychologists use mathematicians as lab rats....?

Today when I was in the car, the most peculiar thing happened to me.I don't know if it was a coincidence but two young girls made a peace sign to me from their car window. It was quite random, but what really puzzled me was that it happened twice. Green Peace or Save the Whales... pondering

The man with the green tie at the co- op smiled and I was wearing a purple coat.Earl Grey tea with organic chips.

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