Friday, April 27, 2007
the scent of resistance
A new perfume carrying the "scent of resistance" and celebrating Hizbullah's "divine victory" has been released on the market in Lebanon, according to a report which appeared in the Lebanese Daily Star on Monday.
"If you've ever wondered what resistance smells like, then try a dab of 'Resistance Perfume,' which comes 'exclusively' with a political message and a picture of Hizbullah's secretary general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah," the Daily Star article said.
"Apparently, the scent of resistance is a strong and musky one that comes with a single pledge -- 'a truthful' one," the report added.
A slogan on the perfume box, quoting Nasrallah during a wartime speech made over the summer reads: "You are the truthful promise... and I have great faith in you and I promise you divine victory."
The Daily Star, which placed quotation marks around every mention of Israel in its report, added that the package comes with "a digitally manipulated picture of a sinking ship, meant to represent the 'Israeli' warship damaged by a Hizbullah missile during the conflict, along with reprints of Nasrallah's speeches and messages from the 'Lebanese prisoners in 'Israeli' prisons.'"
'Hizbullah not a commercial venture'
Mohammad Dekmak, CEO of the Bint Huda chain of stores in the south Beirut area, told the Daily Star: "We thought it was a catchy idea, as now the perfume is more than something that smells nice, it is a political statement."
The report said the perfume's designer initially came by the Beirut store "carrying 40 samples of the perfume in a plastic bag -- and sold them all within minutes."
Hizbullah Spokesman Ghassan Darwish was quoted by the Star as saying: "We don't like to encourage people to turn Hizbullah into a commercial venture, but since the perfume is called 'Resistance' and not 'Hizbullah,' we have no right to really prevent it from being sold as resistance is a broad ideology not limited to one party."
Respnding to the perfume, a pro-Hizbullah demonstrator in Beirut told the Lebanese newspaper that he was "content with showering and using plain soap."
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
point of view
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
can you read this?
Can you raed tihs? Olny smoe plepoe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
lets party
I had so much fun tonight.It was amazing.I hadn't had that much fun in almost a year!
It was an all girls party.No guys allowed.And I was happy.Who needs guys anyways?A lot of girls were dressed very fancy.I decided to just go casual.I was comfortable and thats all that mattered.They didn't have much food served but I was too busy dancing and talking to my friends to eat.I only needed water.I met a really nice girl named Yasmine.She was very sweet and we got along very well.I was very reluctant to go to the party but my best friend persuaded me so I decided to go.I needed to enjoy myself because I haven't done that in a long time.I'm glad that I went.
Good Night...
Now that I have had my fun its time to get back to work! I need to finish my biology tomorrow.
stream of thoughts
The sole purpose for our existence is to serve God.We were created to obey God and abide by prescribed laws and regulations.Maybe all of the chaos and mayhem that is happening in the world today is because of lack of spirituality and loss of intrest in religion.When a person has a certain way of a life or a religion they have a sense of direction.But without a sense of direction; where will you go? What will become of you?
"Life is a journey not a destination". This statement is questionable.Going through life without a destination means that life is pointless.I believe that life is a destination and it is not a journey.I assume that everyone would like to be granted the eternal bliss of paradise.We are to busy loving life to actually care about the true purpose of life.There is no doubt that life is nice, but moderation is the key to all doors.
When materialism has become the norm I find it quite hard to feel any sense of spirituality without having to experience complete isolation.We have came so far but even with all of the current technology, its as if we have went back to the beginning of civilizations i.e. barbarians.We are unable to communicate and solve our problems like civilized human beings.All we are capable of doing is grunting and starting meaningless wars.
Science and technology are not a sin but misapplication and abuse of it is.It seems as if we live in a Godless world that has dubbed the 21st century.Man has took destiny in his domain by trying to gain unlimited power over nations and practice tyranny over innocent people.What happen to democracy? Where has it gone.The definition of democracy is : a government controlled by its citizens, either directly or through representatives.So in a democracy the main intrest are the citizens.
Our technological advancement doubles every ten years and its moving faster than we have time to socially evolve.Its possible that too much technology and lack of religious spirituality are the reasons of our problems today.Even with all of our knowledge and technological advancement we have not even scratched the surface of the phenomenal beauty behind life.
"Life is a journey not a destination". This statement is questionable.Going through life without a destination means that life is pointless.I believe that life is a destination and it is not a journey.I assume that everyone would like to be granted the eternal bliss of paradise.We are to busy loving life to actually care about the true purpose of life.There is no doubt that life is nice, but moderation is the key to all doors.
When materialism has become the norm I find it quite hard to feel any sense of spirituality without having to experience complete isolation.We have came so far but even with all of the current technology, its as if we have went back to the beginning of civilizations i.e. barbarians.We are unable to communicate and solve our problems like civilized human beings.All we are capable of doing is grunting and starting meaningless wars.
Science and technology are not a sin but misapplication and abuse of it is.It seems as if we live in a Godless world that has dubbed the 21st century.Man has took destiny in his domain by trying to gain unlimited power over nations and practice tyranny over innocent people.What happen to democracy? Where has it gone.The definition of democracy is : a government controlled by its citizens, either directly or through representatives.So in a democracy the main intrest are the citizens.
Our technological advancement doubles every ten years and its moving faster than we have time to socially evolve.Its possible that too much technology and lack of religious spirituality are the reasons of our problems today.Even with all of our knowledge and technological advancement we have not even scratched the surface of the phenomenal beauty behind life.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Bloggers Uncover Lebanon War Fraud
Lebanon Fraud: Lines are not there; colors are wrong as well
In the wake of the United Nation's Security Council resolution to end the war in Lebanon, some fear the root cause of the war may be lost. The war was the result of geographical fraud, according to a report produced by a virtual convocation of internet bloggers. The report documents compelling evidence from hundreds of digitally enhanced eye-witnesses that every map the describing the Middle East conflict, every single one in print, broadcast or on the internet, is uncontestably inaccurate.
The discovery of the fraud began innocently enough as an Israeli teenager crept up to the border with Lebanon late last Thursday night to meet the Lebanese girl he had hooked up with through MySpace. He used a MacBook with a Geosensory USB-interface version Gobal Postitioning System receiver module. She had a Garmin eTrex, a stand-alone handheld unit that literally fit in the palm of her hand, and cost only 165,851 Lebanese pounds.
They knew that it could be fatal if either of them crossed the border -- but in the dim and shimmering moonlight they met exactly at the rendezvous coordinates -- and there they were together, alone -- and there was no border, none at all. They kissed in a way that, according to their precisely cailibrated GPS-enabled devices, neither of their lips crossed the suppposed border, then ran home to get on the internet tell the world about what they had discovered. Love would have to wait.
Hundreds of bloggers, posters and blog readers from Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the Palestinian territories, all equipped with GPS-enabled smartphones, handhelds and other information appliances walked to the points on their maps indicating the international border. Regardless of whether their devices were voice-centric or data-centric, and whether they ran Symbian, Palm OS, Windows Mobile or Linux, the results were the exactly the same: there was no border, none at all. Walls, ditches and fences appeared at some points, the eye-witnesses report, but never the lines, solid or dashed, that showed on every map or mapping device.
Academic geographers, when presented with the information provided at this conference, were astounded. "It's irrefutable; completely, entirely, undeniably irrefutable," said Brent R. Skeeter, Chair and Professor of the Salisbury State University's Department of Geography and Geosciences. "Nothing I've taught for 40 years has been anything but a fraud, a hoax, a sham, a deck of duplicious dupery. It's too late for me to do anything, but maybe the next generation of geographers will take their students on field trips and not just rely on pull-down maps."
Because of Photoshop, which was used to create many of these maps, no photo can be trusted any longer, experts in photo manipulation agree. So, the bloggers will lead an expedition to the Middle East with top journalists from around the world to show them the actual "border" between Israel and Lebanon.
"After they've been there they will understand the deception that has been perpetrated not just on the government of Israel, government of Lebanon and the leadership of Hezbollah but on the whole world," said Catholicgauze, the meisterblogger of Geographic Travels with Catholicgauze!
Local journalists and photographers not esteemed enough to be included in the Middle East tour can simulate its impact by going to their own county's county-line with any neighboring county. "What you will see, invariably, is a change in pavement, but no actual line. And where the line extends into the grass on each side of the road, nothing. There's no line, dotted or otherwise," said David Rayner, co-founder of the Give Geography its Place Campaign.
(this sory is entirely fictious by the way :)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
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